In this work, I deal with thermal states, its distribution and equivalence, through wave/vibration phenomena of air. This work might be a model for looking at how thermal exchange as an event brings a displacement into space-time.
The motion of the compression wave that propagates in air follows the dynamics described by wave-equation formula in physics. Foundationally, this dynamics requires several conditions, namely, a boundary condition of the observation space, the initial condition of the compression wave, and the propagation speed in the medium. In the case of air, the propagation speed is in proportion to the air temperature. As a result, when the space has certain boundaries, these conditions emphasize specific frequencies of air vibration. In terms of wave dynamics, this means the resonance of the space is brought into relief by stationary wave.
In this work, I make several observational spaces by arranging a fixed distance between two glass plates that are treated differently according to thermal conditions. For each of the spaces, it is possible to consider that the boundary conditions are the same, namely, glass as the primary matter and the intervals of distance. When the spaces are characterized by even thermal distribution and temperature, resonances appear in identical frequencies. In contrast, this work sets in motion various thermal states to each observational spaces. By affecting the temperature of each space through a difference in lighting -either natural or artificial, the propagation speeds in each of the spaces differ. And the emphasized frequencies also differ in proportion to the temperature.
On the other hand, let us see this from a different view, i.e. thermodynamics. The thermal agitation is a divergent phenomena which goes to an equivalent state. In this sense, the spaces constantly exchange the thermal state from each other. The movement generating temperature derives from molecular movements which are excited by light as electromagnetic waves. This is not an issue of motion dynamics in terms of individual molecular movement, but rather, an issue of statistical dynamics. Moreover, light equates with a kind of electromagnetic wave as a disposition of space-time itself which can propagate even through a vacuum. In a way, light is concerned with space-time itself which we generally regard as a criterion. This view bonds the vibration phenomena affected by thermodynamics to an issue of space-time.
Thus the displacement of a stationary wave that we find through this work is a statistical result of phenomenon which is generated by light as a disposition of space-time. I hope this work will function as an opportunity to imagine a state of space-time focused around light, temperature and vibration.